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rhythmic gymnastics 【體育】韻律操〔指用緞帶、環、短棒等器具表演的有節奏的體...


I explained that i did not do it because of his novels , since except for the chalet of the roses , which i had liked very much , what interested me about him were the audacity of his mind and his verbal talents , but only as a kind of rhythmic gymnastics for learning to write 我的理解:我提到他倒不是因為他的小說,除了很喜歡《玫瑰之屋》外,我最感興趣的是他思想的大膽和語言上的才能, (不是這些東西本身有多了不起,而是說, )對學習寫作來說,這是種(很有益的)節奏操練。

In order to explore the gap in the art value field between our groups and others and find out solving methods , the authors analyse video data resources of top 3 groups in 10th national games and world championship with new scoring rule of international rhythmic gymnastics 文章采用最新國際藝術體操評分規則對十運會及世界藝術體操錦標賽集體項目前3名的比賽錄像資料進行對比分析,研究我國運動水平與世界運動水平藝術價值上的差距及解決途徑。

Anna comes from the national ukranyan team of rhythmic gymnastics . she represented the team in many international championships and was awarded the gold medal of the german national championship -以柔軟優美姿及動作俘虜萬千觀眾的anna ,出身自烏克蘭國家柔軟體操隊,更代表國家隊參與多項國際賽事及于德國國際錦標賽奪冠。